Posts Tagged ‘usa’

The only way freedom is truly earned and understood is if the people fight and die for it. Libya is telling the New World Order, which thinks it should intervene in every single country (United Nations) and “help” them with their natural resources *cough* I mean freedom of democracy, STAY THE HELL OUT. The Libyans want to finish the revolution they started. They want victory. They want to show other oppressed countries “you too can do this”. It is worth dying for. More importantly a big middle finger to the bloodsuckers trying to get Libya’s oil supplies (which are HUGE) yelling “WE ARE SOVEREIGN”

No foreign intervention, Libyans tell West
Agence France-Presse
Benghazi, March 01, 2011
Libyan pro democracy protesters say they are determined to unseat strongman Muammar Gaddafi without any foreign military intervention, even at the cost of further bloodshed. With world powers weighing options to end Gaddafi’s 41 year hardline rule, protesters who overran Benghazi, Libya’s second ci

ty, hoisted a banner spelling out their message loudly and clearly, “No foreign intervention, Libyan people can do it alone.”

The devastating sectarian violence that rocked Iraq in the aftermath of the 2003 US led military intervention, that brought down dictator Saddam Hussein, haunts many Libyans. “The Iraqi example scares everyone in the Arab world,” said Abeir Imneina, a professor of political sciences at the university of Benghazi.”We know very well what happened in Iraq, which is in the throes of instability. Following in those footsteps is not appealing at all,” she said. “We don’t want the Americans to come and then to have to regret (the end of  the rule of) Gaddafi,” she added.

With protesting leading to coup d’ etat in the middle east and acts of violent aggression, the focus on it in the US Congress is getting a more serious look. Right now protesting is protected under the Right to Freely Assemble. But could this change? Could americans of today become the terrorists of tomorrow. Check out this story and see how insane things are getting.

U.S. government now view protesting Americans as terrorists – You’re either with us or against us.

Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007.  Never heard of it.  That is because the U.S. Senate hasn’t yet passed it but the Obama government is trying to get it passed before the Egyptian revolution, for Change, Liberty and Social Justice lands on U.S. soil.  The Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007 is a bill sponsored by Rep. Jane Harman (D-CA) in the 110th United States Congress.  Its stated purpose is to deal with “homegrown terrorism and violent radicalization”.

The bill will:

Amended the Homeland Security Act of 2002 to add provisions concerning the prevention of homegrown terrorism (terrorism by individuals born, raised, or based and operating primarily in the United States).

In the bill the term `homegrown terrorism’ means the use, planned use, or threatened use, of force or violence by a group or individual born, raised, or based and operating primarily within the United States or any possession of the United States to intimidate or coerce the United States government, the civilian population of the United States, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives.

This bill was passed in the House on October 23, 2007 with a vote of 404 to 6.  It was introduced to the Senate on August 2, 2007 as S-1959.  and has been referred to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. The Bill was introduced by Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME), and has been co-sponsored by Sen. Norm Coleman (R-MN).  The Senate bill was reported dead by the Bill of Rights Defense Committee and CQ Politics.  A staffer to Sen. Joe Lieberman, indicated that the bill is not dead.

Critics charge that the vagueness of the bill’s definitions would permit the government to classify many types of venerated American political activity, such as civil disobedience (political dissent), as terrorism. Critics frequently cite Section 899A, which reads, in part: “The use, planned use, or threatened use, of force …to coerce the ..government, (or) civilian population furtherance of political or social objectives”, as particularly problematic. They argue that major societal reforms, which are now accepted but were perceived at the time as threatening to the government, such as civil rights, suffrage, and others, would be classified as terrorism.

Then-presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich said he believed the bill to be “unconstitutional” and has referred to the bill as a “thought crime bill”  The Baltimore Sun published an opinion article by Professor Emeritus Ralph E. Shaffer and R. William Robinson, titled “Here come the thought police.”

Conservative commentator Devvy Kidd writes: “Since the bill doesn’t specifically define what an extremist belief system is, it is entirely up to the interpretation of the government…. Essentially they have defined violent radicalization as thought crime.”

In an interview aired on Democracy Now, Academic and author Ward Churchill said: “HR 1955, as I understand it, provides a basis for subjective interpretation of dissident speech….”

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) issued a statement saying: “Law enforcement should focus on action, not thought. We need to worry about the people who are committing crimes rather than those who harbor beliefs that the government may consider to be extreme.”

The National Lawyers Guild and the Society of American Law Teachers issued a joint statement opposing the Bill: “The National Lawyers Guild and the Society of American Law Teachers strongly urge the Senate to refuse to pass the Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007.”

The Center for Constitutional Rights opposes the bill.

The John Birch Society wrote in an Action Alert: “the legislation could attack First Amendment rights by mandating the government to clamp down on free speech online, among other things.”

In the wake of the successful Egyptian revolution against government oppression the Obama government is planning to reintroduce the bill and have it passed.  The U.S. government now fears the same fate as dictatorial ruler Hosni Mubarak.  The U.S. government fear that the U.S. people may soon echo the call of the Egyptian people and begin to petition for change.

The Declaration of Independence states that government derives its just – or lawful – powers from the “consent of the governed.” The underlying principle implied in the Declaration was that “We the People” are the true and rightful government of the United States, and as Abraham Lincoln declared in his Gettysburg Address, “government of the people by the people and for the people shall not perish from this earth.” Elected and appointed officials are managers selected to work on our behalf in order to accomplish our collective will. We do not, however, elect them to dictate what our will is, or should be.

However, in the event that government becomes one consisting of rulers rather than representatives, the U.S. government determined over 200 years ago what the course of action should be.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed…

In the event that Americans find themselves at odds with their government, the Declaration tells them:  “… That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their Safety and Happiness.

According to the nation’s own foundational text, the American people have the right:  “… when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. — Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government.

What measures do the U.S. government seek to implement against the American people they now deem as terrorists?  The same power as Egyptian dictator Mubarak sought – to shut down all lines of communication.  The U.S. government is now working to reintroduce an Internet kill switch bill.   A bill handing President Obama power over privately owned computer systems during a “national cyberemergency,” and prohibiting any review by the court system.  The bill is being reworded to include government control of all wireless Internet (Wi-Fi).  Why does the U.S. government want to control Wi-Fi?  When the Egyptian government shut down the cable Internet Wi-Fi was used to keep the rest of the World apprised to what was happening in Egypt.  HR 1955 titled the Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007 mentions the Internet as a main source for terrorist propaganda. The bill even mentions streams in obvious reference to many of the patriot and pro-constitution Internet radio networks that have been formed. It also mentions that homegrown terrorists span all ages and races indicating that the Congress is stating that everyone who conveys dissatisfaction with or opposition to the policies of government is a potential terrorist.

March 4th is round the corner folks. This has been spoken of for a bit now. Geithner along with Ron Paul, which I believe, said this will cause the US of A to go into default. Default means bankruptcy.


Federal agencies preparing for shutdown, White House says
By Ed O’Keefe
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, February 22, 2011; 6:51 PM

Federal agencies are preparing to operate at reduced levels if a government shutdown occurs, but the Obama administration hopes to strike a deal with congressional Republicans to avoid one, the White House said Tuesday.

By March 4, lawmakers must pass a short-term resolution to continue funding the government, or President Obama and congressional leaders can strike a deal on how to fund government operations for the final seven months of fiscal 2011. Failing to do so would prompt at least a partial shutdown affecting various agencies and functions.

“There have been contingency plans for government shutdowns since 1980, and those plans are obviously updated accordingly, but they’ve been around for a long time,” White House press secretary Jay Carney said Tuesday. The White House is hoping to reach an agreement with lawmakers soon, he said.

Federal agencies must maintain plans “for an orderly shutdown in the event of the absence of appropriations,” according to Office of Management and Budget guidance issued each year to agency officials. The plans must include estimates of how long it would take agencies to complete a shutdown and the number of employees that would need to work during one, OMB said.

According to federal law, employees working through a shutdown must be engaged in military or law enforcement duties, provide medical care or protect lives and property. Some agencies may keep employees on the job if their compensation is paid for through a different appropriations process.

OMB would not provide details Tuesday of individual agency plans, but most workers might stay on the job if a shutdown occurs, according to partial data obtained by the Government Accountability Office following a November 1995 shutdown.

At that time, the departments of Commerce, Justice and State kept about 63 percent of their workers on the payroll. Just over 50 percent of Interior Department workers stayed on the job, as did 42 percent of employees at the departments of Education, Labor and Health and Human Services, GAO said.

Ahead of potential cutbacks, the Social Security Administration plans to discuss the impact of a shutdown with union leaders next week.

Though Social Security Commissioner Michael J. Astrue has not made any decisions on furloughing workers, the agency wants to meet with union leaders “in the event that a furlough may become necessary,” Jay Clary, the agency’s acting associate commissioner for labor issues, told union leaders in a letter late last week.

The agency made about 4,800 employees work through the 1995 shutdown to ensure beneficiaries obtained their checks, according to a Congressional Research Service report. An additional 61,000 workers had to stay home, but officials later called some in to help process new claims.

“I don’t know who might have to stay home this time,” said Witold Skwierczynski, president of the American Federation of Government Employees Council 220, which represents SSA workers. The union is negotiating a new contract and also plans to devote next week’s talks to potential budget cuts, he said.

Skwierczynski said Monday that the union is upset about the possibility of a furlough, but that “we don’t have a problem with the agency giving us a heads up.”

“Hopefully, it won’t happen,” he added. “But if it does, we’ll have an opportunity to negotiate a reasonable methodology.”

Indiana passes Arizona-like immigration measures

INDIANAPOLIS (Reuters) – The Indiana senate passed a sweeping immigration bill that echoes Arizona’s tougher measures on illegal immigrants and despite opposition from some of the largest employers and business groups in the state.

The measure, passed on Tuesday night by a vote of 31-18, would allow state and local police to ask a person stopped for infractions like traffic violations for proof of legal residency if the officer has a “reasonable suspicion” they may be in the country illegally.

Another provision would call for, with some exceptions, the use of English only in public meetings, on Web sites and in documents.

The bill still needs to be adopted by state’s House of Representatives, where opponents say they will now turn.

The vote “was a key step in the legislative process,” the bill’s author Sen. Mike Delph said in a statement, adding that the bill will “send a clear message that Indiana will no longer be a sanctuary for people who are in our state and country illegally because of our federal government’s failure to act on illegal immigration.”

Greater Indianapolis Chamber of Commerce officials say the measure would have a chilling effect on business, particularly convention business.

“It will have a negative economic impact on the state of Indiana,” Chamber Public Policy Director Angela Smith-Jones said, adding that immigration issues should be handled on the federal level.

(Reporting by Susan Guyett. Editing by Peter Bohan)